When you purchase from Benson Honey Farms, you are helping support a small family business right here in the USA!
Benson Honey Farms Mission
To provide the best Honey and customer service at the lowest prices possible. We take pride in our small family owned business, our commitment to customer service and in the products that we share with you. Our online store is designed to provide you with an easy, safe and secure environment.
Benson Honey Farms is a small family-based business located in Hartington, Nebraska. Our company thrives on quality and perfection with customer service being at the top of our list This beautiful small-town community in Northeast Nebraska provides a small town, family-oriented life near the beautiful Missouri River.
Why is our Honey different than what is on the shelves in supermarkets? To answer the question, for honey to be considered pure and raw there are two things; do not overheat or pasteurize honey and do not filter the honey. There is a very high percentage of beekeepers and packers of honey that do this because it is a much faster way to bottle. We are one of the few beekeeping families, that I am aware of, that do it the old traditional way of no filtering and no overheating. Our process guarantees that all the pollen and enzymes in our honey stay in our honey, which has tremendous benefits to your own health and your families.
Benson Honey never spoils or goes bad. It is an anti-bacterial product. It preserves itself. It is the only food product in the world that will never go bad. It is hard for the general public to look at different kinds of honey on the shelves and determine one better than the other. However, we tell people to buy honey directly from the beekeeper or to know where it is coming from, like us here at Benson Honey Farms!
Never buy store brand or big packer honey! It is highly filtered and has been through an overheating process. It is blended honey from China, India, Argentina and U.S.A. There are absolutely zero benefits to eating that type of honey. Benson Honey Farms honey is directly from our hives which are all located in Northeast Nebraska.
Again, Thank You, for taking the time to learn more about Benson Honey Farms and we hope you and your loved ones continue to use Benson Honey for many years to come!
Why choose RAW Honey?
✨ Immunity Booster ✨
✨ Energy Booster ✨
✨ Soothes Minor Burns ✨
✨ Anti-Fungal ✨
✨ Sleep Aid ✨
✨ Natural Cough Suppressant ✨
✨ Soothes Sore Throat ✨
✨ Can Reduce Allergies ✨
✨ Skin Moisturizer ✨
✨ Can Lower Cholesterol ✨
✨ Good Source Of Anti-Oxidants ✨Get Honey Now!